You, the petitioner
Thermometer 4294021 1920

OurCampus: Air Conditioning Needed!

239 signatures

The apartments of OurCampus lack air conditioning. The tenants of OurCampus suffer from intense heat in their apartments due to the lack of air conditioning. The windows that can only be partially opened do not help. —

Please, add your apartment number in the field Place of residence! Eg.: Ap. 1234



All tenants of OurCampus apartments in Diemen-Zuid.


establish that:

It's way too hot in the apartments of OurCampus in Diemen-Zuid. The tenants are literally suffering due to the heat during the summertime. This has to change, no this must change immediately! No longer do we want to melt away in our apartments.


and request

It's necessary that air conditioning gets installed in all the apartments of OurCampus in Diemen-Zuid. It's also necessary to remove the sash-window blockades which allow the tenant to open the window only partially. We demand the removal of eventual second windows that avoid the tenant to air the apartment properly. The instalment of a simple door chain so that an apartment can be aired safely is also considered very desirable.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Jan Dezider Kees Koomen-Majerník 




The 25 euros for the case have been collected!

I have received the 25 euros which are necessary to start a case at the Huurcommissie (rent tribunal) thanks to our generous residents.

Here is the plan ....


I will send the manager this week Thursday an email to request a meeting. The chance that he will refuse is extremely high. And if we do meet (a miracle), I believe he won't come with detailed promises and solutions. Then, it is time to start a case at the rent commission (Huurcomissie).

I believe that one month is more than enough to come up with information/ideas/solutions.


First update on the heat problem.

I had a meeting with the manager on the 19th of August. I have handed over the written petitions and the online petitions.


I have explained the problem to the manager as well.

The manager told me that Greystar is 'investigating' the possible options to prevent extreme heat in the apartments. He could not, or did not want to, give me adequate answers to questions like: "what options are you investigating?", "when will this investigation be finished?", "can we expact information by mail regarding the status of the investigation", etc.

I called the Juridisch Loket and asked them how long i should wait for this 'investigation' to be finished. They recommended me to wait 10 days.

On the 3rd of Semtember, I send a reminder to the manager and asked him whether he can give me more information about the investigation. His replied that the investigation had not started yet because of the summer vacation. And again he could not give me more information.

I have decided that the 19th of September will be the last day for the manager to come up with adequate solutions and answers. I will write the manager an email on the 18th and ask for a second meeting. If the manager refuses or can not give me more information, then I will start a case at the Huurcomissie (rent comission). For more imformantion about the Huurcomissie, please read the message below.

=== The Huurcomissie (rent comission) === As you have noticed by now, we’re currently experiencing a late summer. The coming days we’ll experience temperatures similar to the recent heat wave.

As you probably know hundreds of signed petitions have been offered on the 19th of August to the management of OurCampus which were ought to make our claim known for a long-term solution to the heat problem.

Prior to the delivery of the signed petitions OurCampus communicated that they started an investigation to the possibilities. To this very day there isn’t any conclusion known, let alone an interim result.

This makes that I am determined to start a case at the Huurcommissie (Rent Tribunal), this is an impartial organisation that helps tenants and landlords by mediating with conflicts or if necessary, setting the conflict formally by making a ruling that is binding on both parties.

To start a case at the Huurcommisie, we as tenants, need to pay a fee of € 25. I would like to ask you to gather this relative small amount of money so that I can start a case in the name of the tenants. If everybody pays € 0.50 then the fee is already paid 20 times! I tried to create a GoFundMe page for € 25 but potential donators are forced to donate at least € 5 and I think that is too much to ask. Therefore, I suggest that you guys donate a sum by depositing it in my mailbox 1341, in building 1. I will only start a case whenever I have collected the 25 euros.

If we win the case at the Huurcommissie, they will return the € 25. In that case I transfer the money to a charity, Dierenambulance Amsterdam (pet ambulance Amsterdam)

P.S. For more information about the costs to start a case at the Huurcommissie, see (Dutch):

P.S.S. For more information about the Huurcommissie, see (Dutch):
